휴대폰 아이콘 Fecal Scanner Demo

Mobile app is now available for both Android and iOS!

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Anywhere, convenience is yours—with just a smartphone camera.”
Affordable like never before—compared to traditional testing methods.”
“Clinically validated for proven accuracy you can trust.”

휴대폰 아이콘 Fecal Scanner Demo

Mobile app is now available for both Android and iOS!

다운로드 아이콘 Download
Anywhere, convenience is yours—with just a smartphone camera.”
Affordable like never before—compared to traditional testing methods.”
“Clinically validated for proven accuracy you can trust.”

Research and Development

AICU Technology

Vision Based

AI Deep-Learning

AICU utilizes medical data (photos and videos) acquired from university hospitals and self-developed deep learning-based AI technology to provide solutions that make healthcare easy and affordable for anyone, anywhere.

AICU provides solutions that enable high-accuracy healthcare for anyone, anywhere, easily and at a low cost.

Research and Development

AICU Technology

Vision Based

AI Deep-Learning

AICU utilizes medical data (photos and videos) acquired from university hospitals and self-developed deep learning-based AI technology to provide solutions that make healthcare easy and affordable for anyone, anywhere.

AICU provides solutions that enable high-accuracy healthcare for anyone, anywhere, easily and at a low cost.


We are working with

AI healthcare Solution AICU


E-MAIL. aicu.contact@gmail.com

Contact. 070-8860-8188
ADDR. Daegu, Korea ㅣ Biz License 818-81-02937


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E-MAIL. aicu.contact@gmail.com ㅣ Contact. 070-8860-8188

ADDR. Daegu, Korea ㅣ Biz License 818-81-02937